
泰国宣布今年 (2014) 八月到十月,共三个月,大陆与台湾前往泰国免签证!!!

原本入进泰国要一千泰铢 (约 30 美金),泰国为感谢华人对泰国观光业的支持,八月过后开放免费三个月免签。看到这消息,我相应该是跟之前政变所造成观光客锐减有关,所以现在要亡羊补牢拯救流失的观光客。再加上,现在是暑假,泰国观光局的脑袋果然聪明动的快! 不过对于我们也算是好事,希望泰国政府以后都能这样,快点免签吧!



快喔,从暹粒去曼谷全部才 9 美金

各位在吴哥窟观光的朋友,现在从暹粒去曼谷只要 9 美金 (搭车的费用) ! 连签证都不用了,记得顺便去曼谷走走喔。我又要去泰国度假一阵子了,哈哈哈。


BANGKOK, 16 July 2014 (NNT) -The President of the Tourism Council of Thailand (TCT), Piyaman Techapaiboon announced at the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) daily press conference at Government House today that Chinese and Taiwanese tourists wanting to come to Thailand for a vacation don’t need to apply for a visa during the three months August to October 2014.
Ms. Piyaman said the three month visa exception period is to thank the Chinese people for greatly supporting the Thai tourism industry which has resulted in high growth in the tourism sector. During the visa free period, schools in China are having their break, and it’s a great traveling time for them.
Ms. Piyaman said that the number of tourists coming to Thailand this year is expected to be similar to last year which reached 28.6 million.
Lastly, Ms. Piyaman thanked the NCPO for being able to solve many of the country’s prolonged problems along with realigning public transportation such as buses and vans which in turn is bringing foreign tourist back to the country having regained their trust in regard to safety.

- See more at: https://thainews.prd.go.th/CenterWeb/NewsEN/NewsDetail?NT01_NewsID=WNECO5707160010010#sthash.dz8NOKZ1.dpuf
